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What's Happening?

We have a lot happening here at Life Change Church, see how you can get involved

What's Happening at Life Change?

There is always so much happening here at Life Change Church and we want to make sure you stay informed on all of our upcoming events, services, and community outreach opportunities. You will find everything you need right here and you can check it out 24/7/365! So take a look at what's happening so you and your family can get involved!

Bible Reading Plan—

Sun—Rev. 20,  Mon—Rev. 21,

 Tues—Rev. 22, Wed—Year Review, Thurs—Year Review,

Fri—Year Review, Sat—Year Review,

Sun—Year Review

You Belong —

Merry Christmas! We want you to know that you are valued, loved, and celebrated! You are part of our family. And You Belong. Check out our Belong Station for information on how to get involved.

Sunday Celebration and Baptism —

We are excited to celebrate with you as you take new steps of faith in your journey with God! If you would like to be baptized, next Sunday, December 29th is your opportunity. Sign up at the Connection Center, Website, or our Church Center app.

Men’s Group —

You’re invited to breakfast January 8th at 6:30am.

Life Groups —

All Life Groups will resume January 15th. More details to follow.

Christmas and New Years Day —

Office will be closed December 24th—27th and New Years Day.

Life Change Church Calendar