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Life Groups

This is the to-go place for answers about Small Groups!

Questions? We've got answers!

What are Life Groups?

Life Groups at Life Change are simply Biblically-based communities of people who want to do life together.

Life Groups live out the 5 biblical purposes found in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission:

  1. Grow in God (discipleship)—Centering our lives around God, growing in discipleship
  2. Love Others (fellowship)—Making friends, loving God’s family
  3. Reach our World (evangelism)—Telling others about God’s love, inviting them to group
  4. Serve together (ministry)—Getting involved in the church to give people a place to belong.
  5. Worship One—Giving back to God as our only audience and adoration.

Where do groups meet?

In Acts 20:20, it says, "[you know] how I did not shrink back in fear from telling you anything that was for your benefit, or from teaching you in public meetings, and from house to house." We love how it brings together the direction to meet together publicly (Sunday services) and also in our homes.

Each individual group can decide if they want to meet at one home, move around to others' homes, or meet at a coffee shop, workplace, park, online—whatever the group decides! If you feel a room at the church is the best move for your group, fill out a Special Use Request to reserve the space.

We do, however, encourage groups to meet in their communities. There's no telling who you can reach when you're out in public! It's also easier for people who aren't accustomed to church to connect with people outside the walls of the church. :)