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This Week's Message

February 23, 2025

Opening Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3-9 NLT

1. Where do you find your moral compass? 

2. Is God at the finish line of your thoughts or currently in your thoughts? 

2 Timothy 2:14-16 NIV

3. Living the full life surrenders your ideals to God morally and spiritually.

1 Samuel 15:10-31 NKJV

4. Your conduct in life matters. How you live outside shows who lives inside.

1 Corinthians 6:17-20 NIV, 2 Timothy 3:12-17 NIV

5. Our Scripture for this series tells us that we are to add or supplement moral excellence (virtue – heroic behavior) to our

   faith daily. 

6. Four areas that will bring increase to your God-sized life of moral excellence: 

A. First—Seek God. Primero: buscar a Dios.                          

   B. Second—Renew your mind. Segundo: renueva tu mente.

   C. Third—Fast. Tercero: rápido.

   D. Fourth—Pray. Cuarto: orar.

Questions? Need to reach out?

Do you have questions about life? About death? Is the fear that surrounds us creating questions that you'd like answers to? We'd love to help! God has been so good to us as a family and individuals of Life Change, that we want to share with you what we've experienced and show you in the Bible where you can have the security and peace that we've found. Fill out one of the forms below and we'll be happy to walk through this time with you!


Through every season, we believe it is important to continue to honor God through giving. Through our tithe and offering, we remember that God is our provider through any and every circumstance. If electronic giving is not option, you are welcome to mail your gift or drop it off during our office hours.

We also feel it is important to communicate that we will continue to support all of our local mission organizations who provide so many helpful resources to our community. Through your generosity, we are able to partner with these groups on a monthly basis and provide the monetary and volunteer support they need.

Use the Online Giving link below to give!

Prayer Requests

In need of prayer? Submit a prayer request using the link below. Our team is looking forward to partnering together with you in prayer and faith!