What is Life Change Youth?
Life Change Youth is the student ministry of Life Change Church with a vision to see students' lives change by the power of Jesus. We accomplish this by walking out the mission of Life Change Church, in helping students Grow in God, Love Each Other, Reach Our World, Serve in the Church and Worship Our Audience of One.
Youth students, 6th through 12th grade, meet weekly in a large engaging interactive service, where they will invite friends and come together for an encouraging time of worship and hear a gospel message.
Check out the links below to keep connected with small groups, special events, and everything going on with Life Change Youth. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @Lifechange.yth
JOIN US DURING WEDNESDAY LIFE GROUPS- 630-8pm for 8 weeks@ Life Change Church: Join us with Jodie Diehl for : Journey- Explore His Word for YOU! What if it is not about the Destination? All 6th-12th graders are invited and welcome!
October 6 - Last Man Standing @ Life Change Church- 5-7pm- Bring your own Nerf blaster and come blast zombies with friends!
November 10- Mystery Night @ Life Change Church-5-7pm- Bring your creativity and friends, we want to see you create some amazing videos, have fun and laugh during our video contest!
December 17- Christmas Celebration @ Life Change Church - 5-7pm -Tis the season to finish off the year with fun, there will be competitions, prizes and fun, even a white elephant gift exchange. Come join us!