Click the link below to see this weeks reading schedule.
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Follow along with us as we dive into His Word daily. This is a great way to stay connected and to continually learn more! We have discipleship journals available in the connection center for $10 per book.
How To Journal
As you are reading your Bibles and doing your journaling, here is a reminder of how to write and get you to think more about what you have read.
- Pray-spend a few minutes in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to guide and direct your reading of the Bible. Read it with an open heart and soak it all in.
- Read-read the whole chapter that is listed for the day. While you read, underline or highlight any words, phrases, or verses that you feel God is talking to you through.
- Write-write down on a fresh page in your journal with the date, title of your days reading, and the scripture you chose.
- Scripture-First, write out the verse(s) the Holy Spirit spoke to you with. Include the reference the verse is found.
- Observation-Second, look at the big picture. Summarize the whole chapter you just read and write down your observations in your own words.
- Application-Third, ask how this verse(s) might apply to your life. What is God calling you to do or to remember as a result? What is your next step and how can you be obedient?
- Prayer-Fourth, write out a closing prayer. Use this final section to speak back to God a request or commitment.
- Share-Finally, look for an opportunity throughout the day or week to share with others how God spoke to you through these passages.
- Reflect-when you finish your journal entry, reflect on the accountability questions from the Discipleship Group Agenda on the inside front cover.
- Pray-conclude your time by praying for what you have written and for anyone who needs to surrender to God.
YouVersion Bible APP

YouVersion is an online and mobile Bible platform published for Android, IOS, Windows phone, and many other operating platforms. The Bible App features 2,863 Bible versions in 1,868 languages, audio Bibles, offline capabilities, as well as over 800 bible plans and devotionals.