Our Stories Reveal His Story
We believe that every person has a story to tell that helps reveal who God is in the world. When we share our story, it not only gives God glory, but points others to Him.
God is changing lives and moving in incredible ways here at Life Change. Check out some of the stories of Life Change below and be encouraged!
If you have a story to tell, we want you to share it with us.
Ginger's Story
I am not strong in faith and to be honest I don't have a relationship with god but over 2 weeks ago a situation caused me to experience hate, rage, anger and grieve. I've been struggling with all of these emotions and not knowing what to do with them. I'm here to tell you how exhausted I've been carrying all of that. Last Sunday I was lead to church and I was an emotional mess. Service spoke to me that day and I felt better, for a moment, but then those feelings came back stronger and once again I found myself sitting in church this morning. The words again spoke to me and I felt even stronger leaving today then I did last Sunday. I was even able to apply those words to my actions today. I Know I will struggle again this week and I can't say that I'm saved or that God is completely in my heart but I can say there is something happening as my heart feels lighter and Im already looking to next to Sunday.
Kim's Story
I really can't remember a time that I didn't have Jesus. I asked Him into my heart from a very young age. All my life I have felt such a strong connection with Jesus and He has always been with me, but as a child I also endured abuse and it shaped my self image very negatively. I was saved, and I loved Jesus with all my heart. I got married, I had children, and they grew up. I always did my best to show Jesus to my children and bring them up in the love of the Lord. During all of it I sought after God, He worked in my life, and I grew as His child. I ministered in and out of the church in various ways all of my life, but I had unspoken hurts and woundedness that never seemed to heal. Without going into all the details my world came to a screeching halt in 2014. My whole world was turned upside down; I was on the brink of losing everything that was most important to me. By all accounts my marriage was over, it had been shredded was seemed to be beyond repair. I was so confused and I didn't know what to do, but I did know the One, the only One I could turn to, and that was Jesus! At the lowest point in my life I cried out to Him again, for I had cried out to him countless times before. I repented of the mess I had made, and the damage I had caused. Jesus spoke to me; He told me to trust Him, so I did. My husband and I had heard of a small group meeting in our small town, we knew it was an extention of Life Change Church, but that's all we knew. As it turned out Pastor Ron (no coincidences, right) was leading this group. My husband and I sat quietly through the discussion. Afterward Pastor Ron approached us, he could tell we were in really bad shape, he offered his help, and we took it! Pastor met with us for a few months. For the first couple of Sundays I just soaked in God's healing presence. I wept bitterly, gut wrenching cries from my heart, I couldn't control it if I wanted to. Some people may have thought I was a bit looney, but God was healing me, He was healing my heart, He was restoring me, and He was delivering my soul. After that I spent many Sundays at the alter. We became members of Life Change in 2015.
Jesus saved me in every way possible. Satan wanted me destroyed and along with that, my marriage, and my family, but Jesus said, no! There are no words to describe how thankful, and how grateful I am to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! He is my everything!
Donna's Story
When I was 5 my mom left and took my two siblings. This caused me to question whether I was ever good enough while growing up. I had so much self doubt and feelings of unworthiness. I was very blessed to live down the street from Bible Baptist Church and I went to church every chance I could. It was my safe haven, a place where I felt loved and protected from all the hurt I felt. One summer the Pastor paid my way to go to a summer Bible camp and this where I truly got to know God and accepted Jesus as my savior. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. Then as a teenager, I was raped by a family member and the rest of my family did nothing. I again felt like I was not worthy and eventually turned to drugs and alcohol to try and numb the pain. At the age of 24, I got pregnant and it was my wake up call. I decided to turn my life around and signed up for some college classes. I wanted to build a better life for my daughter and I . It took awhile, but I finally started to go back to church again and found Life Change Church. My heart started to fill up with the love God had to offer and I began to feel whole again. Through the love and grace if God I was able to forgive the person that raped me and I pray for them often! Our God is so good!
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."
Isaiah 43:2-3
Herb's Story
Today I drove up on 1 vehicle accident, hit a tree, when I got out of my truck I could hear screaming and cursing. The driver had compound leg fracture, passenger was outside at the driver's side applying a tourniquet, I got in the vehicle and lifted the broken steering column up hoping to ease her pain, it didn't. Looking me in the eyes pleading, I did only what I could, I prayed, asking Jesus to ease her pain, the relief/calming was instant! A few minutes later the fire department showed up. Our Jesus is amazing and to be present when He works a blessing!
Kid's Hope
Last night Life Change Church hosted Kid's Hope. We ate and played games with the foster kids while their foster parents had a meal, games, and fun in another room. It took a few minutes, the kids were hesitant but then the love of The Holy Spirit flooded the room and we had an awesome time! I will definitely serve at Kid's Hope Night when Life Change does it again.
Back Healing
Back pain that I had 14 years ago before surgery flared up again. The devil keeps trying to wreak havoc and slowing me down. I asked the elders to pray over me. There were so many words spoken, I wish I could have recorded it. One word that hit me was, Matthew 7:9; "If a child asks his father for a loaf of bread, will he be given a stone instead?" I always try and plow through on my own knowing God's got this, but there's a blessing that comes forth and an increase in faith when you have others pray for you. To hear and see things from others' perspectives is so cool! Today, I write this pain free. (Even after sleeping on my stomach this morning that was a guaranteed recipe for pain!) Jesus loves me. . .this I know.
Jacob's Story
Since I was a child I knew who Jesus was. But knowing who he was and knowing him are two different things. As I grew into my teens then 20's and now into my 30's, my life was a mess. I carried the attitude of "I can take care of it myself." I had no direction, things I experienced as a kid haunted me and I was so angry all the time. As my life began to spiral and seemed it was at it's end, I broke. I sat alone in my room and literally cried out to Him. I've never been emotional and friends know that. But all the ugliness, all the pain, all the regret and all the walls began to fall. I cried out to him and begged him for help. He answered. I sat outside weeks later with my very loving, patient and wonderful girlfriend. She by all accounts deserves better than me. I sat there and cried, letting it out. Telling her how He had changed me. And I know it's hard to really believe if people can change, well through Christ they can. I'm proof. I doubted and abandoned him through all my years and became a person I was ashamed of. He took that person into his loving arms without hesitation. He loved me, and I could feel it. I never knew what that could feel like, but I never want to stop feeling it. I'll pursue Him and learn more about him all I can. I owe everything to him. His love and forgiveness is real. Please let Him in to your heart.
Brian's Story
One of my grand daughters had the opportunity to spend some time with her friends before the official social distancing was put into effect. I'm not exactly how the subject of God and heaven came up, but one friend expressed the opinion that "she doesn't believe in all that eternal stuff." My grand daughter took the opportunity to explain to her and her other friend about how God loves her and wants to spend eternity with her, to which one girl began to cry and expressed that she wants to be included in being saved. So she met Christ, and the other girl confirmed that she already believes! There's always a reason to be thankful, even when forced to change the way we live our day to day. Worth the inconvenience!
Alex's Story
My name is Alexandra Geballa and Im 16. I've attended Life Change for 4 years now, and it really has changed my life and showed me who God is and how amazing he is. I moved from Maryland to Michigan in 2016 leaving my dad, best friend, and all other friends and family behind. It's very hard being away from them but I do my best to visit whenever I have the chance. Before covid-19 came around I bought a plane ticket to Maryland for spring break to finally see my dad and best friend since last year. I've been counting down the days, just full of excitement. On March 23rd 2020, we got the news from our governor that we will be on a 3 week stay at home order, which would include the week I was supposed to be in Maryland with my dad. I have been completely devastated that the opportunity for me to see my dad has pretty much been taken away from me due to the spread of this virus. I'm completely heartbroken and I've been trying to look to God to help fill the fatherly figure in my life until I can see my dad and I know God will be there throughout my whole life. God will forever be my heavenly father and I know that. Ive been really down about this opportunity being taken away from me all day long, and I spent the whole morning listening to praise and worship and remembering God is always on my side. But I had to get up and go on with my day and get my tire fixed before places begin to close due to the virus.
As they looked at my tires, I had 2 nails side by side in my front wheel. They told me they would put a brand new tire on, and it would be covered in warranty. The worker then told me that it would be $11 to renew the warranty. Due to being off work from the Coronavirus I had little to no money in my account and I began worrying about how I would pay for other things if I paid the $11. It is a very small amount of money but I only had $15 until i got my next pay check, and I wasn't sure when that would be. I called my dad wondering if he could send $11 to my account and he quickly responded yes. I was super grateful. As I hung up with my dad, a gentlemen next to me asked me if I needed help with paying and I replied back thanking him very much but that my dad was going to help. He answered back by saying he is more than happy to help if I needed it. I continued to thank him. The worker then came out and told me he's ready for me to pay, so I walked up and pulled out my debit card, and ANOTHER man walks up to me, different than the one who offered to help before, and he pulls out a $20 bill and hands it to the worker and says here pay for it all. My face was in shock and I just began to thank him over and over again. The man then went back to his seat and the worker brought me the change. I then walked over to the man and tried to hand him his change back, and he insisted that I kept it. I told him it was really okay and he could have it and he said no I want you to be blessed, and I want you to have it. I began thanking him so much and tears came down my face. I then thanked him one last time, and went out to my car.
I was so overwhelmed with love in my heart that two people insisted on helping me. It was a very difficult and upsetting day, and these two people brought so much joy to my day. I will forever be grateful. Both of the men must have heard me on the phone with my dad and they both wanted to help. It doesn't need to be anything big to make someones day, its the glory of God and the people he puts in your life to help you , or even just being a light of positivity in someones day/life. I will never forget this act of kindness. God is so good!
Andrew's Story
I've had many ups and downs in my faith. Some situations that would make people want to quit, but I never did. I've been assaulted and hid to get stitches in my face for only wanting to help. Turned my back on God too many times to count, but God has been there to pick me up and brush me off. God came to my aid last time so strongly that I could no longer deny his presence in my life. I no longer deny that God has a great plan for me. I no longer hate people who have hurt me. I remain sober longer and longer cause it's God's will. I thank and praise Life Change Church for putting such great people in front of me so it was impossible to miss them. I grow stronger every day and praise God for it.
Prayer For Co-Workers
This is a followup to my posting from Monday. I have been praying for one of my co-workers, Josh. Josh and his wife Lisa showed up on my job-site this morning and we sat in a deserted mall to talk about Jesus. Lisa had been a believer and had turned her back on the Lord after a devastating loss. She acknowledged that she needs and wants Him in her life and in her family's. Josh was more reticent but they promised to talk and pray so went on their way. They just called me and they have promised their lives to the Lord and wanted to know how they could get baptized. I am blown away. Please, everyone, use this as an opportunity to share Him with the people you are connecting to. He is so much bigger than we know!
Rob's Story
Being able to serve at the Fresh Coast Friday Night event was impactful. I was able to serve with my family and my church family. We were able to put food on people's plates, smiles on their faces and the love of Jesus in their hearts. My sons loved passing out cookies! We had a great meal with God’s family—people who are seeking Him and that He is passionate about. We were able praise God in worship, to hear people's testimonies and victories, receive an awesome, encouraging Word and simply love the people that He loves. In short He is awesome and worthy of all my praise… I encourage you to reach out to the people in our community and world through the love of Jesus… You’ll find Him reaching you in these moments... You are blessed, be a blessing!
Sara's Story
This week's parent Cue message has sent Gabbie into a spiral of thoughtful, loving-kindness. The think about this section reads: How can you show love to God? She says, "by showing others that we don't know or don't know well, that they are loved." She made a list of ways that she wants to show love to others this week. So far she has donated her toys, books, and clothes that she doesn't wear or use anymore, helped the kitchen team at her school clean up after lunch, lead a group of kids to help her pick up litter on the playground, wrote notes for others to read to feel good and laid them around Meijer, found out what her teacher needs for her class and wants to use her money to pick up the things! There is a fire in her heart for this and I know it stems from this week's verse, the think about this and do this section! This opened her heart to God's words. We are loving this app and the way that it is sharing God's word throughout her spirit and into the world!

Brain Pain Free!
Today, I am 16 days "Brain Pain" free! Our God is a magnificent healer! A great physician! I receive his healing and believe I will have a "brain pain" free life because God's got bigger plans for me! At age 10 I was diagnosed with migraines and in 2017 diagnosed with cluster headaches. For the last 20ish years I had tried to 'manage' my "brain pain" as I affectionately call it to the best of my ability but still found that my life was often ruled and ruined by my condition. Last year was one of the worst years I have had as far as attacks and I finally had had enough and I surrendered to God and started praying for healing. Miraculous healing of my brain pain. I stopped skipping church when my head was hurting and showed up to serve in EPiC kids and went to the altar. I received healing prayers from members of our church. I kept praying. I started reading about healing in God's word. I continue to recite/ read this verse as part of this healing journey: Mark 5:34 He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." This year, it was my number one prayer request. I shared it with our women's ministry asking for warriors to come alongside me in prayer. My husband and 2 boys began laying hands on me and praying for me to be healed. I started speaking LIFE! Instead of my normal comments like "my head hurts" or "I feel a migraine coming on" I started speaking things like "I feel great" and "my head will not hurt today". God has heard and begun answering my prayers!
David's Story
This story is really about God with the wrinkle that it's from my perspective. I was raised in a Christian home and went to boarding schools for missionary kids. I accepted the Lord as a child and was given the gifts of wonderful Bible teaching and the examples of dedicated Christians. Despite this, I have spent most of my life doing things "my way" instead of seeking God's plan for me. I have been through addictions and all the other effects of trying to live life my way, for myself. Through much of this, I was outwardly "Christian." I served in church, teaching classes and leading worship. However, this "service" was only the outward cover for the lie I was living. I know what it's like to be a "double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." I tried my way and it didn't work. While I have been unfaithful, God has never changed his love for me. A few years ago, we moved back to Michigan from out of state. God didn't let us get comfortable with not attending a church, so we (half-halfheartedly) began "checking out" local church services. In that process, we have probably attended most of the evangelical churches in the area. When we finally tried Life Change, we were immediately drawn to the energy, humility and genuine acceptance on display here. Although we have made some false starts in becoming involved, God is faithful and has led us to commit to growing and serving here in whatever capacity He chooses for us. We have joined a Life Change Small Group in our area. We're also taking the next step by signing up for "A Place to Belong." I look forward to discovering more about what God is up to and how I can become a conscious part of that. I want to live honestly in His plan as He shows me how.
Carma's Story
I have learned that listening to the Holy Spirit, being able to hear Him, is like exercising a muscle - it gets stronger over time while you gain muscle memory. But it takes practice. and one of the best ways to practice is sitting in His presence and spending time in His word, praying and journaling. I don't know how else I would hear Him or recognize His voice in my life apart from these things. You have to be disciplined to do that so you can be ready to follow His promptings while you minister to hurting people. The things He shows us are key to the ministry He brings us into. He prepares us in those times alone with Him so we can help others. I see it as my responsibility to spend time with Him, not just so I can glean for myself but so I can be used to help others. Otherwise, I will be useless in His work, and His work is what I desire the most!
Steve's Story
I am going to make a long story short. Since the beginning of this year, my life has been turned upside down. I went through 2 major surgeries. I thought I could handle anything that happened to me. I had a "I got this" attitude, boy was I wrong. I first got brought to Life Change Church by my wife, who in turn was brought the week before by my son in law. I really didn't want to go, but I did. Once I did, it was a spiritual awakening. I could feel the power over me. After the sermon I got to my car and i couldn't wait to come back! As the weeks followed more and more I felt like I had a place where I could grow. After a little while I gave myself to the Lord and was soon baptized. But after a short time, I had the test of all tests, not just for me, but also for my wife. I was admitted to the hospital, not knowing what was to follow. Soon enough I found out that I had to have open heart surgery. Through it all, I started thinking that I have not prayed for myself, just the ones around me. I remember laying in the hospital bed before surgery thinking to myself, why me. But in all reality it was not just me. My wife, my kids, and my family were affected. Then 2 gentlemen from church came to the hospital to see me. While they were there, they prayed over me, I felt a tear roll down my face and from that moment t on I knew that myself and my family were in great hands, and that God would take care of us. And through His grace my family and I made it through. It is through God that I realize that he will test you, but is always with you.

David's Story
I want to take a minute to tell you all what an AMAZING place this is. I walked in the door 3 years ago with literally NO FAITH, but yet still felt welcome. As I'm sitting through the service I look through the crowd and see a familiar face and I felt even more at ease. Something told me I needed to keep coming back. I thought I was there to support my wife's worship. Little did I know that I actually found HOME. 3 years ago I had cancer in my pancreas, a broken leg, was homeless and at the end of my rope I'm happy and proud to say, that today the cancer is gone, I walk just fine, I have a home, an amazing wife, and I'm surrounded by beautiful and amazing people. This place couldn't have a better name. My life is FOREVER CHANGED.

Jonathan and Molly's Story

Not many people know this but when our daughter was 4 months old she was diagnosed with Infantile Idiopathic Scoliosis. Only 1% of scoliosis cases are diagnosed as a baby (most develop during adolescence).
We had some testing and doctor appointments and at first they were just going to watch it for a few months. We started praying and so many of you also started praying.
At the follow up we found out that it was getting progressively worse and making one of her rib cages protrude. It went from a 25 degree curve to a 42 degree curve in a few short months. (They do surgery at 50 degrees). We prayed a lot that God would ultimately heal her and give wisdom on what steps to take.
So in March she got a brace to wear at night. We felt like God led us to this option. It was so hard to put her in it and not have her understand why. We continued to pray.
Along the way we heard many things from doctors like “she won’t ever walk right,” and “she will need back surgery, probably multiple surgeries.” The worst by far was “a tumor on her brain stem could be causing the curve.” It was hard not to listen to these voices. At times I listened to the voice of fear the loudest in my life.
Fast forward to her last appointment where they said her curve was down to 17 degrees!! The brace was only supposed to stop the curve from getting worse. It wasn’t supposed to necessarily make it better. So we know God was the one to heal her back. He had it all taken care of.
So tonight, our sweet girl took her first steps! And it just reminded me of our journey with her back and how good God is. So if you see her walking I hope it reminds you of my post and that you give God glory for what he did.
*she still is wearing the brace til February and then she gets checked again and hopefully won’t need to brace anymore!
Thank you for all the prayers and love!
Julie's Story
Before I started going to Life Change Church, I was always searching for a place to call home. After years of growing up in a broken home, I experienced every kind of abuse a person should never have to go through. I turned to any source of excitement that could block out the pain. In this behavior, I continued to live a dysfunctional life. That changed after my son started praying for me. He prayed that I would go to church with him and he finally talked me into it. I immediately fell in love with the energy of the church and the power of the message and how you can actually feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. I recommitted my life to Christ and was baptized. Since I have done this, my heart has softened. I have an awesome home and family at Life Change. God is always part of my healing. I know I wouldn’t be making it to my 5-year Survivor status and being able to function as well as I do with all of the things I’ve been diagnosed with. I am thankful to have God, my family, work people, and my church family around me.
Jessie's Story
As a working wife & mother of 5 beautiful, busy children there have been many ups and downs in our lives. I came to the church a stressed, exhausted mama constantly snapping at my children and others, taking several medications to "deal" and constantly stressing and worried for the next second. It was no way to live.
I came to church in my perfect package front, ready to check another box in life's to-dos. This church is real. It has helped me to learn and feel confident and secure in motherhood, adulthood and marriage. Life isn't easy. How you deal with it is what defines you as a person. I now know, med-free and thriving, that it isn't done perfectly nor is it done alone. I love coming and feeling like I truly belong and my family is welcome! I thank Life Change Church for helping to show me I wasn’t lacking but that I just needed to see what was there.
Mike's Story
My story is actually a couple of stories tied together. The greatest gift God has given to me was not one that is noticed by many. It starts about 5 years ago. I was going through a divorce. My wife fell into drugs and left me and kids to be with the man giving the drugs to her. The divorce was long and painful. I was suicidal at times but some how when the toughest moments came my 3 year old daughter would always find me and say " I love you daddy" that would always bring me to tears and get me back to life. It was especially hard because my family was my dream. During my divorce my brother Charles Connell introduced me to Life Change Church. I struggled with my emotions every Sunday. I would pray and ask God why he gave me such a loving heart just to break it. Well little did I know God was trying to tell me something. After Pastor Ron talked about Gods perspective I noticed something. In my relationships I devoted my self to the woman I was with but I did not include God in my relationships. Because of this I felt that I had let God Down. I would be in tears during worship because all I could think about is how Jesus gave his life for me but I did not follow him the way I should have. I knew that Jesus gave His life for me, and I needed to give my life to Him.
Then Feb 3, 2019 something amazing happened. I got a call from a cousin that was stuck in a driveway. I came to help pull her out. While I was hooking my vehicle to hers I was struck by an oncoming car at 55 mph. I should have been killed. I almost died in the ambulance because I couldn't breath. At the hospital the results came out, I had 2 broken bones in my spine, a punctured lung, a severe concussion with a bleeding brain. When I gained consciousness one of the first people I remember seeing was Jonathan Scouten. That meant a lot to me. While laying in the hospital bed I remembered Pastor Ron talking about healing and how we must believe it and it will be done. At that moment I prayed for the healing of the driver who hit me. I also prayed for the patient who shared a room with me. Shortly after I was getting evaluated for surgery to fix the hole in my lung. After the pictures came back the doctor said it was amazing that the hole in my lung had closed by 50 percent by itself in 1 night. As I was getting tested for my concussion, despite my brain injuries I answered every question correctly. I was healing very fast. Walking was very impressive to the staff as well. I was told by the trauma doctor that,not only was I lucky to be alive but to be able to walk was another blessing. I was told to be on bed rest for 6 months or I may damage my brain further and could paralyze myself. All that was something amazing for people to see. But that wasn't what hit me the hardest. When I came home from the hospital I was overwhelmed by the love and support I receive from people I knew and people I didn't know. God was working in so many people I could not ignore it. A different family brought me a,cooked dinner every day for a week. Teachers from Reeths-Puffer schools spent extra time and counseled my children. There was a small family taking care of my youngest son. Later I discovered they were the owners of the car that struck me.
God knows I am stubborn, so he hit me with the most obvious love I could understand. God fixed my body than he fixed my heart. I was hit by the car the night of Sunday Feb 3. I was back in church Sunday Feb, 10. I was back to work 3 weeks after the accident. And the day before my 6 month mark I ran 6 miles. God is with us every day, I now have an understanding of Gods picture.
A Testimony from Facebook
Readings from tonight: Titus 2:1-15 Titus 3:1-11 & 3:14 Proverbs 4:23 2 Samuel 7:21-22 & 7:28-29 Tonight our ministry leadership team had the opportunity to be prayed over by our prayer ministry team. It was an incredible experience. Prayer is powerful friends! If you aren't praying, I encourage you to do it! I felt and heard God in ways tonight that I normally wouldn't because I surrendered. I got out of his way. I left feeling convicted and joyful and full of the Holy Spirit! Let me tell you friends, God KNOWS us and He LOVES us. He speaks to us; we just need to listen. Tonight He used a prayer to speak to me. He showed someone sandwiches - me making sandwiches but she said it was about more than serving, it was about sharing His words to others and it providing nourishment with the Bread of Life. For anyone who has been reading my posts lately, you can already see how God was speaking directly to me in a room full of people! 3 major things from tonight for me. 1. My love language is acts of service. My relationship with God has a long history of not being able to comprehend his pure, unrestrained love for me. Tonight, he once again made it clear to me His love for me. As she was praying over me, I could see God making me a sandwich and feeding me. And you know what, He does! Every time I open my Bible or seek him, he meets me wherever I am and he serves me. He shows up every single time and he just loves me. 2. Obedience is not easy. I'm not perfect. I'm a child of God. He loves me and he is guiding me just as an earthly parent does. When we are being disobedient there are consequences and when we are obedient sometimes we need to hear that we're on the right path. Tonight, the message to me about sharing the bread of life to nourish others really hit home. There's a purpose to all of these long posts I've been sharing. It's not for me, it's for whoever's God is trying to reach. I'm just a vessel. His words. His love. My hands and feet. He was reminding me tonight of my OBEDIENCE. How glorious to say that!! 3. Hearts. And... blood?! A member of our prayer team shared something so profound tonight. God really spoke to us! He shared that when we are saved, our blood is replaced with the blood of Jesus. Holy blood. Powerful blood. That's why we can receive healing and why we can be cleansed. Whoa! Think on that. Blood is what flows in and out of our hearts. What's in our hearts flows out to others. What a beautiful image of what salvation looks like. Protect your hearts, friends! God, Thank you for your presence tonight. Thank you for helping me surrender. Thank you for dialing directly to me, O God. I know you love me. You seek me out. You meet me wherever I am. You hear my prayers and light my path. You are a glorious God! How awesome it is to be your servant! God confine my heart. Put it under lock and key. Let only those who know your truths and speak them in love, my God, have a key. Protect my heart from the enemy. I cast out any darkness lingering in the shadow, God. May the blood of your son, Jesus, course through me and change me from the inside out. May the people around me, see you, hear you, and experience you first. God continue to mold, equip, and prepare my heart and hands and feet to serve you. I am your obedient and faithful servant, God! Amen.
Kurt's Story
When we were 28 weeks pregnant my wife had to go on bed rest as our baby was getting 20 % of the nutrients he needed as God designed the umbilical cord to attach at the end instead of the middle. So because we know everything we had people praying the baby would make at least to 32 weeks if not full term so there wouldn't be any development issues. At 30 weeks my wife was put in the hospital and at 31 weeks our son was born with 4,000 platelets when the average baby is born with 100,000-200,000. Had he gone any longer in the pregnancy our son's brain would have hemorrhaged and he would have died. Praise God He knows best and didn't answer our prayer the way we were praying. Totally has changed how we pray now especially as we praise God that our son is now 15 yrs old.
Joshua's Story
I found your church back in 2013-2014 when I was attending Baker College in Muskegon. A friend told me about you and I attended church. I was in a rough part of my life and was slipping on belief if God was truly real or not. The worship you have and the message given at every service truly opened my eyes again. I still remember the day I broke down at the alter and knew my life was forever changed. My goal before moving here to Georgia was to bring any college friends to church to learn Gods word. Now I am a huge part of my church here in Georgia and also serve with our youth ministry. I’m a cop for a sheriffs office. I also play guitar for our praise band at church that we are forming. I enjoy worship so much and felt I truly needed to share with you. I share my story and the name of your church every time I talk about God. Keep spreading Gods word and bringing those lost to the Lord. I pray for you. Please keep our law enforcement in your prayers. Love you all!
Cindy's Story
I am grateful for God giving me the opportunity to be a consistent adult presence in a young person’s life. I was able to offer advice, share life experiences, and help my student navigate challenges. I have seen how mentoring promotes positive social attitudes and gives youth the ability to trust their teachers and parents more and better able to communicate with them! It definitely takes a “village” to change lives! Praise be to God for the opportunity to mentor!
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